Friday, January 20, 2017

Tonight is the start of big plans

Matt (M) and myself, Kari (K) are embarking on our urban homesteading dreams. Well, maybe dreams, our homesteading adventures seem to be more about falling into our selves and who we are as individuals. Our first move was to move onto 1.5 acres in the downtown area in the heartland of America. We fell in love with the ducks in our creek, the foxes that entertained the neighbors, the deer who roamed our back yard, baby bunnies under our barn and the large toad who hung our in the artificial fountain by our back door. That frog and Matt are true friends. 
As we settled in and made the new house our home we took a chance on our ability to keep a few chickens alive. They have lived, thrived, and grace us with beautiful, large brown eggs everyday. We really don't understand why everyone doesn't have a set of a few chickens. Currently our flock consists of 4 rhode island reds. In a few weeks we will be getting 15 more.......wish us luck. More to come on our soon to be delivered hens.
Our newest adventure we are gearing up for are bees. We are looking at our options for locations . We both have family farms where we can place them and plant unto four acres of sunflowers or clover. Thus our M & K Sunshine Honey Farm is about to become a real thing. This is where we will share our journey, homestead friends, lessons and adventures.